Backyard Concerts - Local bands, cold brew, and family fun!
June 21, 2017 @ 7:00PM — July 19, 2017 @ 9:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Cut a rug during our Wall to Wall carpet exhibition this summer! The KMA invites you to kick back early at the mid-week hump and turn ho-hum Wednesdays into family jam night. Join us in our backyard (the Marilyn M. Simpson Sculpture Garden) for garage band fun, listening to covers and originals from local bands taking a break from their day jobs. See these Westchester-bred performers strum and stomp as you picnic in your cut-offs and Bermudas. Enjoy garden seating or bring your own blanket. Complimentary beer and wine served.
June 21, Ask Your Mom
July 12, DogBone
July 19, Sir Cadian Rhythm